The Path between the Flavors : S. Ambrogio & Cefalù

Meet your driver and escort and departure for Cefalù.Excursion in the lush evergreen mediterannean  Bosco Guarnera .  Secrets and mystery of a forest, like a cozy house and where  everything is to find out , where the natural  and the emotional value,  blend so always surprising… Starry skies, high biodiversity and frogs in concert with each step will take you on a unique place.
The nature trail ( about 8 Km) has been divided into five stages. In each one , through  a series of tasting of the local products you will discover the soul of the gastronomy of the Madonie  .
Buffet lunch in a country resort between narratives and musical Sicilian suggestions .
Back to Cefalù to  enjoy a romantic afternoon aboard to our Fisherman  boat for a Coast to coast Cefalu’s tour awayfrom the crowded tourist place
Free time to walk around the city and to have a look at   : The Norman Duomo, initiated under Roger II in 1131, that preserves precious mosaics which adorn the apse and a representation of Christ Pantocrator;  the striking medieval wash-house and the Mandralisca Museum, the latter preserving the famous portrait of an unknown man by Antonello da Messina.
End of our excursion.
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