Life vibrates in PALERMO

Meet our driver escort and start our  day devoted to the capital of Sicily: Palermo, the quintessence of Sicily, capable of being chaotic, elegant, fascinating, secretive and a little decadent, all at the same time.
In the small streets and alleys of its huge historic centre, elegant Baroque and Norman monuments stand side-by-side with Arabic domes; the Byzantine street markets of the  “Vucciria” and “Capo” invade the populated medieval quarters of the city and some of the most important Italian brands can be found on the elegant Via Libertà in the city centre.
A visit to the city’s  famous monuments, churches, squares, cathedrals  and aristocratic residences is a absolute must.
We will stop at Massimo theatre, work of the artist Giovan Battista Basile, to relive for a moment the splendour of those times. A guided tour and then we will have an aperitivo in the lounge of the King annexed to the Royal Box, full of mirrors and silks.
A visit of Palermo is not truly complete without a visit to the Dome of Monreale: architectural masterpiece which dates back to the Normal period. Its wall are almost completely covered by Byzantine mosaics.
The afternoon will be dedicate to 2 other masterpieces of “noblesse”
Villa Malfitano, witness to the “golden age of the late Palermo of XIX century and then we will complete the full day with the private visit of Palazzo Francavilla. A welcome aperitivo and end of our excursion.

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